We need your help

People were just walking up to us and thanking us for helping them see! They were speaking to us in Konkani, and although I did  not understand everything they said, there was no mistaking their gratitude…we heard this and similar comments from many of the volunteers.

Sight is something we take for granted but in some rural communities, the gift of sight is what allows parents to help their kids with homework and to advance in their jobs. It’s what helps kids do well in school and aspire to greatness. Helping someone see may seem like a small step, but it provides the opportunity for people to make a better life for them and their family.

IMG_6818I wish my words could portray the gratitude that people expressed during our first eye camp. We still have over 500 more glasses to give away and we need your help in raising the money for more eye clinics and therefore creating more opportunities for people in need.  We hope to raise $2500 to cover some of the costs of our first clinic and to pay for doctors , glasses and the mobile van for future eye camps. We plan on having our next eye camp before the monsoons start if we can raise the money in time.

To do this we need your help, we are counting on you wanting to help. We ask you to please  donate $12 or whatever you can to You and Eye through Goa Sudharop . If you prefer you can mail a check payable to Goa Sudharop Community Development Inc to Goa Sudharop Care of : Acaria Almeida, P.O. Box 6144, Moraga, CA 94570 . This donation is 100% tax deductible.

When we do a camp it is important to offer everyone who needed help a solution, this means that when we don’t have donated glasses for them, we need to provide them with a new pair of glasses. Each of these glasses cost us approximately $6 to buy with the exact prescription. Your $12 donation pays to help 2 people improve their vision and in most cases be able to see. The more you give, the more people see.

Getting a mobile clinic and the staff to do cataract analysis costs approximately $300 a day, the funding to pay for these cataract operations is already in place but without the mobile van we cannot identify the patients who need this surgery.

Please share this message and email it to as many people as you can.  Every dollar goes a long way in helping us with this project.

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